Deacon's Bench

From the Deacon’s Bench
By Canon Ken

As I sat down to write these Thanksgiving thoughts, my mind focussed on the hospitality dinner at St. John the Evangelist church in north London. Our team is just about to engage in another dinner. I remember how at the last dinner we served, a woman told me how thankful she was we were there because that is the only meal of the week when she has meat. A number of those who attend thank us. They appreciate the dinner. They appreciate being able to take home some bread or buns that have been donated by Angelo’s bakery. We serve families with young children, students, and people living on the street and others who barely get by day-to-day living with a variety of disabilities. They are thankful we are there.

There are many days that I grumble. I grumble about things at work; I grumble about the clients; I grumble about people with whom I work. At the same time, clients tell us how thankful they are for the work that engages us. We may not always be successful, but folks who tried to accomplish something on their behalf treated them well. They are thankful we are there.

I am thankful for so many things in my life. However, I hear and read about so many who complain. Their lives are so much better than so many others are, but they are unhappy that they don’t have more. I wonder if it is because they don’t have an appreciation for the fact that their lives are already so much better than most of the rest of the people on the planet. That reminds me of the parable of the prodigal son. Then it reminds me that I need to be more cognizant of what I am thankful. I need to keep in mind the blessings in my life as opposed to the bumps in the road. I remember reading how it would be easier to get to sleep at night if I recounted all the good things that happened that day. I need to give thanks for everyone who is there in my life. Thanksgiving may not just be a day during which we give thanks. It reminds me that giving thanks is something I should do regularly. Let us see if I do better at it before the next Thanksgiving comes around.

St. John the Evangelist Community Dinner Walk
The main fundraiser for the community dinners that we assist on Saturdays is their annual walk. We have a team! We would like you to sponsor us! Some of us might even do the walk! Please go to the webpage for St. John the Evangelist. Along the top menu is a link for the walk. On that page, click on the link for more information. On that page, you will see how to donate and you will find our team name on the list. When we are at the dinner, we are feeding individuals as well as families, with all age ranges. For some, this is their only "real" dinner of the week. Help us as we help them. Canon Ken

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